How An Assisted Living Facility Can Help Someone With Dementia Overcome Depression

Posted on: 23 August 2017

It is common to think that having dementia is only about forgetfulness. This disease is more complex than memory problems. You also have to worry about emotional, behavior and communication problems. The early symptoms of dementia are problems with your memory. It can be a surprise by caregivers when their loved ones' exhibit dementia symptoms in other areas. Read on to find out how an assisted living facility can help someone with dementia overcome depression.

Why Depression Is A Concern?

People with dementia need a lot of care and attention, which is why depression is a common occurrence. As this disease progresses, you start to feel a sense of loss control and feel socially isolated. You also may have a hard time distinguishing between dementia and depression. These diseases have similar symptoms, such as trouble sleeping, memory loss and feelings of apathy. If you cannot provide your loved one with the necessary care, then it is time to start looking at assisted living residences.

Put Your Loved One In A Supportive Environment

An assisted living community provides seniors and people with disabilities with long-term care. These support services include bathing, transportation, help with dressing, medical management, social activities and meals. Dementia can take a physical and emotional toll. This environment allows you to be around others with the same condition.

How Assisted Living Can Help With Depression

Some dementia patients who have depression may live alone. They must wait for their children to visit and take them places. In an assisted living residence, you are around people of the same age and with similar backgrounds. This type of community usually has schedule activities for the residents. For example, there are certain days that you can go shopping in the community.

Assisted living residents can also participate in socials. It allows them to get to know the other seniors that stay in their community. These socials may occur around holidays or to celebrate a resident's birthday. It is also common for some communities to have a weekly game night. These are things you must ask about when looking for a facility.

If your loved one has dementia and you think he or she has depression, then you should be concern. Around 40 percent pf people with Alzheimer's disease suffer from significant depression. When a depressed person with dementia lives alone, you can have problem with him or her wandering. It is your responsibility to provide your loved one with the care he or she needs to live a fulfilling life.

For more information on assisted living, be sure to check out sites like


Understanding Assisted Living Centers

When was the last time you stopped to think about your grandparent's quality of life? I started thinking seriously about ways that I could make things right for my grandparents a few years ago, which is why I began looking into assisted living facilities. I knew that they needed constant support and around the clock care, so I looked for places that had a trained, polished medical staff and a commitment to excellence. I was able to find a great team of doctors and nurses that really cared, and they did an amazing job with my grandparents. Check out this blog for more information.


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