4 Mind-Stimulating Activities You Can Enjoy In An Assisted Living Facility

Posted on: 21 September 2022

Have you ever forgotten a name of a place you have just left? Or misplaced your car key? Forgetting seems quite normal for most people. However, the tendency to forget increases with age. This is due to reduced blood flow to your brain cells and a decline in protein and hormones that mends brain cells and facilitate neural growth. If you are a senior citizen struggling with memory loss, you could move to an assisted living facility. They have many engaging activities that can ease memory lapses and boost your information processing ability. 

1. Solve Puzzles  

Sometimes your memory can get so bad that you cannot even remember what you had for supper last night. At this stage, your brain needs a workout to strengthen the weak brain cells and boost mental speed to enhance short-term memory. This is why assisted living facilities recommend puzzles. When you play puzzle games, you stretch your brain muscles. And you may be able to solve problems better and quicker, relax, and elevate your moods. Is your eyesight not that good? Fret not. Seasoned assisted living facilities accommodate everyone's challenges and can offer puzzles that are friendly to your eyesight.

2. Socialize

There is no dull day in an assisted living facility. It is like being in a close-knit community. You get to talk, interact, laugh, play, and joke with other residents. Whether in a book club, movie night, or pizza party, socializing trains your brains, helps in memory formation, makes you happy, and boosts your overall quality of life. So, with the many social activities available in assisted living facilities, you can rest assured your memory issues will get better each day.

3. Learning New Instruments

You do not just get to listen to good music in an assisted living facility. You could also learn to play musical instruments. For example, you could learn how to play the piano, ukulele, guitar, or violin. This may help improve cognitive function and improve memory preservation. And you will get a sense of achievement, which can boost your ego and moods.

4. Playing Chess

If you love playing chess, you will have time and people to play with in the assisted living facility. Chess can be a game-changer in your mental health. It helps you improve your memory, boosts your creativity, and prevents cognitive decline. If you do not know how to play chess and would like to, you will have time and support at the assisted living facility to train and perfect this beautiful and mind-stimulating game.

You do not have to struggle with memory loss in your senior years. Move to a reputable assisted living facility. They have compassionate caregivers who welcome you with open arms and make you feel part of one big family. And you will participate in numerous mind-engaging activities for a healthy and happy life. 

Contact a senior living facility to see what activities they provide. 


Understanding Assisted Living Centers

When was the last time you stopped to think about your grandparent's quality of life? I started thinking seriously about ways that I could make things right for my grandparents a few years ago, which is why I began looking into assisted living facilities. I knew that they needed constant support and around the clock care, so I looked for places that had a trained, polished medical staff and a commitment to excellence. I was able to find a great team of doctors and nurses that really cared, and they did an amazing job with my grandparents. Check out this blog for more information.


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